100% Chef

Professionel røgpistol - Super Aladin

1.999,00 kr
1.599,20 kr (ex. moms)
1.599,20 kr 1.999,00 kr (inkl. moms)
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Super Aladin Røgpistol fra 100% chef

Super Aladin er (som den eneste) produceret udelukkende i aluminium, hvilket gør den ideel til daglig brug i et professionelt køkken, samt nem at rengøre og derfor effektiv.

Se alle vores røgpistoler - Tryk her

I forhold til andre røgpistoler har Super Aladin en kraftig motor, som gør det muligt at ryge andet end savsmuld - søg på "Røgsmuld" i søgefeltet og se vores brede udvalg. Foden/bunden er aftagelig, men sammen med vægten giver den en god stabilitet - så du undgår den vælter og derved får savsmuld eller aske på arbejdsfladen. On/off knappen er placeret centralt på røgpistolen, væk fra varmen, og derfor nem at betjene.  Det patenterede dobbeltkammersystem er også blevet forbedret, man har øget kapaciteten i kammeret til essentielle olier og aroma produkter. Hvilket kan øge intensiviteten af duften/smagen i røgen, og derved også øge mulighederne og ikke kreativiteten .....

Ved langvarig brug, anbefaler vi dog, at du kombinere din super Aladin med tilbehøret til vandret rygning (varenummer 10/0031). 

Af andet tilbehør kan også nævnes  Aladin-røgbowle eller Aladin CD som er et glaslåg (med ventil) der giver mange muligheder. Bomulds aromafiltre, samt XS og XL filter. Husk også at se udvalget at Røgsmuld 


SuperAladin Professional Smoker 

Super Aladin© is the unique manual metallic smoker, resistant to daily or semi -industrial use. Its aluminium propeller ensures a total heat resistance. Unlike other smokers, Super Aladin© has a large combustion tank that will allow you to burn other components than sawdust, like small splinters or fine hardwood chips, etc. The new Super Aladin© engine design, avoids the entrance of oils and resins into the engine increasing the strength and durability of it. Its foot or detachable base along with its weight, provides a greater stability to the equipment avoiding accidents and the spilling of sawdust or ashes on the work surface. The new monobloc switch is located on the body, far from heat and protected from accidental blows or crashes. A small deposit retains the resins and tars resulting from the wood combustion to avoid the entry on the engine. For prolonged use, we recommend to combine your smoker with Aladin Station.
Its patented dual-chamber system has also been improved and expanded to increase the aromatics capacity of its inner chamber, giving an extra smoke aroma without combustion, incorporating more natural and pure aromas. You can broaden the creative applications for the art of smoking. Due to the fact of being metallic, it is very easy to clean.
Our smoking pipe has the connection to connect the smoking tube to the chamber or can be directly attached to Aladin or Aladin CD bells, you will get colder smoke and more aromatic and stable over time. We strongly recommend to use our beech or oak sawdust, or our new original Jack Daniels. Easily personalize the aroma with essential oils, herbs or flavourings.

Ref. 10/0003

Dimensions: 27 x 10 x 9 cm

Units per box: 1

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